India Photography 4
Golightly In Wonderland
Song of the Moment: K'naan - Wavin' Flag (For Spain ! Congrats !)
Anyway these photos are from the beginning of my trip... They're probably my favorite ones , from the photography aspect !
Be sure to comment and tell me what you think !
This is from the hotel... I love how beautifully made it is.
India Gate ! It was magical !
I love that picture...
Like the Sari ?
A stunning palace ! It had monkeys running around in front !
Traffic light... with India Gate in the back ground again !

Red Fort ! Man do I have a good story to go with this ! So basically I was with my dad , and we had a tour guide who was showing us around New Delhi. It was around 105°F, and I was wearing long white pants, a black flannel shirt , and a bathing suit underneath. I had decided to wear trousers just to be on the safe side... after seeing the movie Taken I was slightly creeped out. Plus the whole Malaria ... mosquito problem. I didn't get bitten once though !! Anyway our tour guide decided to go and see red fort... we agreed. We had to sit on the back of a bicycle pulled cart in the boiling heat... probably being the only westerners for miles ! Riding threw fast crazy Indian traffic... I was terrified ! At one point I think I started crying.... looking back I might of over reacted but it had been a long day... very hot... very scared ! We finally got there... was the journey worth it ? No... i don't think so. But luckily afterwards we went to the nearest hotel and relaxed:) <-- it even gets a smiley face !

The beautiful pool at our hotel !
That was my last India post ! Be sure to read the earlier ones !
My word of the moment is "chica" ... I have no idea why... loving it.
Anyway in approximately 15 minutes the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' is on and I am so excited. Any other fans out there !?
Until next time... follow me chicas<3
Alice H